
Some of Camilo's featured talks, readings, speaking engagements, speeches, and presentations until the beginning of 2024.


TEDx Talk

English – Through seven stories from different religions and philosophies, Camilo Garzón reflects on who we are, what defines us, and who we want to become. Stories that range from Chuang Tzu’s crab painting, Avalokiteśvara’s thousand arms plight, to Schopenhauer’s hedgehog's dilemma, this TED Talk invites us all to ask and reflect – with some humor – amidst anecdotes and stories, about our identities.

Español – A través de siete cuentos fascinantes de culturas y personas diferentes, Camilo Garzón reflexiona sobre quiénes somos y qué nos define. Desde Chuang Tzu y la pintura que le encomendó el rey, hasta los mil brazos de Avalokiteshvara, pasando por los erizos y su paradójica relación, esta charla nos invita a preguntar y reflexionar sobre nuestras identidades, no sin un poco de humor.

Public Speaking Engagements

Other Presentations

Rollins College, Winter Park, FL

During the spring of 2013, Camilo presented the in-depth research done with the guidance of Dr. Jonathan Miller, titled: "A Look Through the Aleph: Borges as the Immortal Librarian.”

During the spring of 2013, Camilo presented the in-depth research done with the guidance of Dr. Jonathan Miller, titled: "A Look Through the Aleph: Borges as the Immortal Librarian.”

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During the spring of 2014, Camilo presented the in-depth research done with the guidance of Dr. Scott Rubarth, titled: "Anabasis: The Separate Ascents of Nikos Kazantzakis and Friedrich Nietzsche."